Error when trying to execute Visual Build
Hi together,
I downloaded the trail version of Visual Build few minutes ago and already have a problem with executing the program. On doubleklicking the item it always says: "Error loading action list: Invalid macro name '%mosaicClientType%'". After pushing the OK button it says "Error creating empty file". Anyone any idea, what this errors are caused by? Thank you. greeting DrGonzo |
It sounds like you have an environment variable named %mosaicClientType% (by default, VBP loads environment variables as system macros, and it doesn't allow % in macro names [and doesn't expect environment variables with percent chars]). Open a Command Prompt and type
Set %mosaicClientType%= (then press Enter) then type start visbuildpro (then press Enter) Do the same if you get errors for other variables containing percents. VBP should then be able to start. You can then turn off 'Tools | Application Options | General | Include environment variables in system macros' so that you don't have to start VBP from that Command Prompt. We will investigate the issue and fix VBP to handle this situation more gracefully. |
Thanks for Your reply. I followed the description given by You and the problem is solved now