Title and Color Coding of Forms
As I work with forms, I find that I have to remember which form I'm dealing with. This is especially true when different forms share some of the same attributes. What would be very helpful, at least for me, would be the ability to add a form title at the top of the form, above the fields and if I could color code the form with various light backgrounds or a selected bitmap. Something like this: EMAIL FORM From: [ ] To: [ ] Subject: [ ] etc. Regards, Bal |
What if you created an Attribute called Form_Title and placed it as the first field of the Form. Then when you assign the Form to a Template, give this Attribute a default value (the name of the Form) in the Template.
Granted, you can't do much in the way of font enhancements... Something else that I've found useful is to include the Attribute Item Title as one of the top fields in the Form, this is helpful when naming nodes and keeps you focused on the Form and not having to jump between panes. Just some thoughts. KenA |
Hi - yes, I've done the same with the Item Title attribute. Hadn't thought of creating a form title attribute. Not a bad idea. I'll give that a think.
Thanks. Regards, Bal |