Navigation: Actions > Embarcadero/Borland > Make Delphi / C++Builder / RAD Studio > Make Delphi Action Options Tab |
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This tab of the Make Delphi action configures additional options about the Delphi project or group being built.
Product version to build with: If blank, the action will locate and call the highest installed version of Delphi / C++Builder / RAD Studio. Otherwise, the action will use the version or path specified in this field. Supported product version values are 3 thru 8, 2005 thru 2010, XE thru XE8, 10 thru 12. The drop-down will be populated with the installed versions that were found.
Do not run rsvars.bat before MSBuild: If unchecked, the action will call rsvars.bat (the equivalent of running from a RAD Studio Command Prompt) before invoking msbuild.exe (applies only when building with MSBuild). The version of rsvars.bat called is determined by the version or path specified in the previous field.
Additional command-line options: This action invokes the DCC32.exe (for .dpr and .dpk files), BDS.exe (for .bdsproj and .bdsgroup files), or msbuild.exe (all other project file types in Delphi/C++Builder/RAD Studio 2007+) command-line program to perform builds, and this option can be used to specify additional flags to pass, overriding any .cfg file settings. The values entered in this field are passed through directly to the command-line program.
Command-line compiler to call: If this field is blank, the action will automatically locate the dcc32.exe, bds.exe, or msbuild.exe compiler to perform the build. For Delphi 2007 and later (.dproj, .cbproj, .groupproj files), this action locates and calls msbuild.exe (enter or select bds to force the project or group to be built with the IDE [bds.exe] rather than msbuild.exe); for .bdsproj and .bdsgroup files, it invokes the associated bds.exe compiler; and for .dpr, .dpk, and .bpg files, it invokes the associated dcc32.exe compiler.
To explicitly specify the compiler executable to use, enter a full path and filename for dcc32.exe , bds.exe, or msbuild.exe in this field to use that executable rather than the default.
Note: To call the 64-bit version of msbuild.exe from the 32-bit edition of Visual Build, enter the full path and filename of msbuild.exe in the desired Framework64 folder (i.e., C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe). To call the 32-bit version of msbuild.exe from the 64-bit edition of Visual Build, enter the full path and filename of msbuild.exe in the desired Framework folder (i.e., C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe).