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Drag and Drop

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Visual Build supports drag and drop in the following ways:


Drag and drop an action from the Actions pane onto a step pane to create a new step for the action.


Select one or more steps in a project and drag and drop them to move or copy within a project.  By default, the steps are moved; to copy the selected steps, hold down the Ctrl key before dropping.  The steps are inserted after the step they are dropped onto.  If a selected step is collapsed, its child steps are also moved or copied.  Right-drag to display a context menu with Copy, Move, and Cancel choices on drop.


Select one or more steps in a project and drag and drop them to another instance of Visual Build.  By default, the steps are copied; to move the selected steps, hold down the Shift key before dropping.  Right-drag to display a context menu with Copy, Move, and Cancel choices on drop.


Drag and drop the column headers in the Step Panes to rearrange the column order.


Drag and drop a .bld file from Windows Explorer onto Visual Build to open the project.


Drag and drop a file (with an extension configured for a custom action) from Windows Explorer onto Visual Build to create a new step for that action.