Navigation: Actions > Files > List Files > List Files Action Files Tab |
This tab of the List Files action specifies the file to be listed and other output options.
Folder: The folder to search for files in.
Note: You can also specify a path and filename or path and file mask in this field (instead of using the Include field).
Files to list: Used to specify files or folders to include or exclude (optional).
Search subdirectories (recursive): If checked, any subfolders of the main folder are also searched for matching files.
Log output: If checked, the output is written to the build output.
Output filename: If a filename is specified, the output is written to the specified file.
Ensure file is writeable: If checked and the output file already exists with read-only attributes, the read-only attribute is removed before overwriting.
Append to existing file: If checked, the file will be appended to if it already exists. If unchecked, the file will be replaced if it exists.
Write BOM: If checked, the action writes a byte order mark to the beginning of the file. Applies only when creating or replacing a file and using an encoding of UTF-8 or Unicode.
Encoding (code page): The encoding or Windows code page that will be used when reading and writing the file (optional). If left blank, the system code page (CP_ACP) will be used or the encoding specified by the BOM if the file contains a BOM (byte order mark). Other common encodings for files are UTF-8, Unicode (UTF-16 LE), Windows-1252, Cyrillic, Chinese, and other encodings or code pages supported by Windows (see the Microsoft Global Development web site and MSDN Unicode topics for more details).
List empty folders: If checked, empty folders will also be listed.