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NSIS Action Script Tab

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This tab of the NSIS action specifies information about the script being compiled.


Script filename: The filename of the script to compile (required).


Log level: Specifies the amount of logging to output.


Log information on options used to compile: Logs information on what options were used to compile makensis was compiled with.


Don't use defaults: Disables inclusion of <path to makensis.exe>\nsisconf.nsh. If unchecked, installer defaults are set from nsisconf.nsh.


Don't change current directory: Disables the current directory change to that of the .nsi file.


Log filename: Specifies the log file to write output to (optional).  Writes and reads from stdout if blank.


Symbol definitions: Add symbols to the globally defined list (See !define). Enter a definition name and (optionally) its value in the edit fields, and click Insert to add to the list.  Select an item in the list to update its value or delete it from the list.