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Perforce Action Global Options Tab

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This tab of the Perforce action is for specifying global Perforce options.


Client: The client name (optional).  Defaults to P4CLIENT environment variable or the computer name if not specified (see Environment and Registry Variables for details on all environment variables used by Perforce).


Host: The host name (optional).  Defaults to P4HOST environment variable value if not specified.


Port: The server's listen address (optional).  If specified, use the format <server name or IP address>:<port number>.  Defaults to P4PORT environment variable value if not specified.


Username: The username to login with (optional).  Defaults to P4USER, USER, or USERNAME environment variable if not provided.


Password: Password of the Perforce username in the database (optional).  Defaults to P4PASSWD environment variable.


Working folder: Specifies a working folder for the command (optional).  Overrides any current directory and replaces it with the specified directory.  This can be useful when specifying global settings via a P4CONFIG file, to specify where to load the configuration file from.


Additional global options: Allows for any additional Perforce global options to be entered and passed through to P4 (see Global Options for details on available global options).


Don't capture output: If checked, any P4 output from the step will not be captured or logged (does not apply for change command).


Don't log details of executed commands: If checked, the action will not log the details of commands that are executed.  This can be useful if the raw P4 output is needed.