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The following system script functions are no longer included with Visual Build Pro. Either convert your projects to use the listed replacement actions, or copy the script code below into your global script code.
Note: the Run Program action can be used in place of this script and provides a more robust way to remotely execute programs.
vbld_RemoteExecuteCmd(strServer, strCommand, strUserName, strPassword): Execute a command on a remote computer and return the exit code.
Note: the Service action can be used in place of these scripts and provides a simpler method for stopping and starting services.
vbld_ConnectServer(strServer, strUserName, strPassword): Connect to a remote server using WMI and return the server object.
vbld_GetService(strServer, strServiceName, strUserName, strPassword): Retrieve a WMI object reference to a remote service.
vbld_RemoteStartService(strServer, strServiceName, strUserName, strPassword): Start a remote service, returning True if started or False if already running.
vbld_RemoteStopService(strServer, strServiceName, strUserName, strPassword): Stop a remote service, returning True if stopped or False if already stopped.
Note: the COM+ Application and COM+ Component actions provide more functionality and should be used instead of the following scripts.
vbld_CreateApplication(strName, blnServer): Create/update a COM+ application, returning True if it did not exist or False if it already existed.
vbld_DeleteApplication(strName): Delete a COM+ application, returning True if it existed or False if it did not exist.
vbld_AddComponent(strApp, strDll): Install a component into a COM+ application, returning True if added or False if the application was not found.
vbld_ExportApplication(computer, appName, filename, options): Export a COM+ application or proxy to a file (see the script code for a description of the parameters).
vbld_InstallApplication(computer, filename, destDir, options, user, pwd, RSN): Install a COM+ application from a file (see the script code for a description of the parameters).
Note: the IIS and IIS Virtual Dir actions provides more functionality and should be used instead of the following scripts.
vbld_CreateVirtualDir(strPath, strName): Create/update an IIS virtual directory on the default web site to the specified path.
vbld_DeleteVirtualDir(strName): Delete an IIS virtual directory on the default web site.
vbld_CreateQueue(strName, strLabel): Create the specified MSMQ queue if it doesn't exist, returns True if did not exist and successfully created or False if it already exists.
vbld_DeleteQueue(strName): Delete the specified MSMQ queue if it exists, return True if deleted or False if it doesn't exist.
vbld_CreateShare(path, shareName): Create a network disk share of the given name to the path specified on the local computer.
vbld_DeleteShare(shareName): Delete the given network disk share from the local computer if it exists.
Obsolete Script Code
' Connect to a remote server using WMI and return the server object
Function vbld_ConnectServer(strServer, strUserName, strPassword)
Dim objLocator
'Create Locator object to connect to remote CIM object manager
Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
'Connect to the namespace which is either local or remote
Set vbld_ConnectServer = objLocator.ConnectServer(strServer, "root\cimv2", strUserName, strPassword)
vbld_ConnectServer.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3
End Function
' Retrieve a WMI object reference to a remote service
Function vbld_GetService(strServer, strServiceName, strUserName, strPassword)
Dim objServer
Set objServer = vbld_ConnectServer(strServer, strUserName, strPassword)
Set vbld_GetService = objServer.Get("Win32_Service='" & strServiceName & "'")
End Function
' start a remote service, returning True if started
' use "", "" for username and password if the current user has remote execute rights,
' otherwise specify a valid username/password for the remote server
Function vbld_RemoteStartService(strServer, strServiceName, strUserName, strPassword)
Dim objService
Set objService = vbld_GetService(strServer, strServiceName, strUserName, strPassword)
vbld_RemoteStartService = (objService.StartService() = 0)
End Function
' stop a remote service, returning True if stopped
' use "", "" for username and password if the current user has remote execute rights,
' otherwise specify a valid username/password for the remote server
Function vbld_RemoteStopService(strServer, strServiceName, strUserName, strPassword)
Dim objService
Set objService = vbld_GetService(strServer, strServiceName, strUserName, strPassword)
vbld_RemoteStopService = (objService.StopService() = 0)
End Function
' create/update a COM+ application, returning True
' if it did not exist
Function vbld_CreateApplication(strName, blnServer)
Const COMAdminActivationInproc = 0
Const COMAdminActivationLocal = 1
Dim cllApps, objApp, i
vbld_CreateApplication = False
Set cllApps = vbld_ApplicationCollection
i = vbld_FindCollectionIndex(cllApps, strName)
If i >= 0 Then ' update existing item if found
Set objApp = cllApps.Item(i)
Else ' add new app if not found
Set objApp = cllApps.Add
objApp.Value("Name") = strName
vbld_CreateApplication = True
End If
If blnServer Then
objApp.Value("Activation") = COMAdminActivationLocal
objApp.Value("Activation") = COMAdminActivationInproc
End If
End Function
' delete a COM+ application, returning True
' if it existed
Function vbld_DeleteApplication(strName)
Dim objCat, cllApps, objApp, i
vbld_DeleteApplication = False
Set objCat = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
Set cllApps = objCat.GetCollection("Applications")
i = vbld_FindCollectionIndex(cllApps, strName)
If i >= 0 Then
cllApps.Remove i
vbld_DeleteApplication = True
End If
End Function
' add a component to a COM+ application, returning True
' if added or False if the application was not found
Function vbld_AddComponent(strApp, strDll)
Dim objCat, cllApps, objApp, i
vbld_AddComponent = False
Set objCat = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
Set cllApps = objCat.GetCollection("Applications")
i = vbld_FindCollectionIndex(cllApps, strApp)
If i >= 0 Then
objCat.InstallComponent cllApps.Item(i).Key, strDll, "", ""
vbld_AddComponent = True
End If
End Function
' locate the given COM+ admin collection object by name and return
' its 0-based index or -1 if not found
Function vbld_FindCollectionIndex(cll, strName)
Dim i, obj
vbld_FindCollectionIndex = -1
i = 0
For Each obj In cll
If LCase(obj.Name) = LCase(strName) Then
vbld_FindCollectionIndex = i
Exit For
End If
i = i + 1
End Function
' create an return the COM+ Applications collection
Function vbld_ApplicationCollection()
Dim objCat, cllApps
Set objCat = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
Set cllApps = objCat.GetCollection("Applications")
Set vbld_ApplicationCollection = cllApps
End Function
// Create the specified MSMQ queue if it doesn't exist,
// Returns True if did not exist and successfully created
function vbld_CreateQueue(strName, strLabel)
var MQ_PEEK_ACCESS = 32;
var MQ_DENY_NONE = 0;
// create the queue info object
var objQInfo = new ActiveXObject("MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo");
objQInfo.PathName = strName;
var objQ = null;
// will fail if it doesn't exist
objQ = objQInfo.Open(MQ_PEEK_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE); // attempt to open the queue
catch (E)
// if queue not found, create it
if (objQ == null)
objQInfo.Label = strLabel;
objQInfo.Create(false, false); // non-transactional, non-world-readable
return true;
return false;
// Delete the specified MSMQ queue if it exists, return True if deleted
function vbld_DeleteQueue(strName)
var MQ_PEEK_ACCESS = 32;
var MQ_DENY_NONE = 0;
// attempt to create queue
var objQInfo = new ActiveXObject("MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo");
objQInfo.PathName = strName;
var objQ = null;
// will fail if it doesn't exist
objQ = objQInfo.Open(MQ_PEEK_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE); // attempt to open the queue
catch (E)
// if queue not found, create it
if (objQ != null)
return true;
return false;
' COMAdminApplicationExportOptions enum values
Const COMAdminExportNoUsers = 0
Const COMAdminExportUsers = 1
Const COMAdminExportApplicationProxy = 2
Const COMAdminExportForceOverwriteOfFiles = 4
Const COMAdminExportIn10Format = 16
' export a COM+ application or proxy to a file
' computer: computer to export from or "" for local computer
' appName: name of application to export
' filename: file to export the application to or "" to export to default directory
' options: sum of one or more values from COMAdminApplicationExportOptions (above)
Sub vbld_ExportApplication(computer, appName, filename, options)
Dim objCat
Set objCat = CreateObject("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog")
objCat.Connect computer
objCat.ExportApplication appName, filename, options
End Sub
' create/update an IIS virtual directory to the specified
' path
Sub vbld_CreateVirtualDir(strPath, strName)
Dim objSvr, objDir
Set objSvr = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/w3svc/1/Root")
On Error Resume Next ' delete virtual directory if it exists
objSvr.Delete "IIsWebVirtualDir", strName
Set objDir = objSvr.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", strName)
' set the permissions to read and call script
objDir.AccessRead = True
objDir.AccessScript = True
' set path to passed in value
objDir.Put "Path", strPath
objDir.AppCreate True ' True = InProc
End Sub
Sub vbld_DeleteVirtualDir(strName)
Dim objSvr
Set objSvr = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/w3svc/1/Root")
On Error Resume Next ' delete virtual directory if it exists
objSvr.Delete "IIsWebVirtualDir", strName
End Sub
' execute a command on a remote computer and return the result
' use "", "" for username and password if the current user has remote execute rights,
' otherwise specify a valid username/password for the remote server
Function vbld_RemoteExecuteCmd(strServer, strCommand, strUserName, strPassword)
Dim objInstance, objServer
Dim intProcessId, intStatus
'Establish a connection with the server.
Set objServer = vbld_ConnectServer(strServer, strUserName, strPassword)
' retrieve a process handle
Set objInstance = objServer.Get("Win32_Process")
' run the command
vbld_RemoteExecuteCmd = objInstance.Create(strCommand, Null, Null, intProcessId)
End Function
' create a disk share on the local computer with the given path and name
Sub vbld_CreateShare(sharePath, shareName)
Dim objServer, objShare
'Establish a connection with the server.
Set objServer = vbld_ConnectServer("", "", "")
' retrieve a process handle
Set objShare = objServer.Get("Win32_Share")
objShare.Create sharePath, shareName, 0, Null, "", Null, Null
End Sub
' delete the given network disk share from the local computer
Sub vbld_DeleteShare(shareName)
Dim objServer, objShare
'Establish a connection with the server.
Set objServer = vbld_ConnectServer("", "", "")
' retrieve a process handle
Set objShare = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set objShare = objServer.Get("Win32_Share='" & shareName & "'")
On Error Goto 0
If Not objShare Is Nothing Then objShare.Delete()
End Sub