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VS.NET Get Version Action

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This custom action creates a step to retrieve the file and assembly versions of a Visual Studio .NET 2002 thru 2022 or Delphi Prism project or individual assembly or resource file (C#, VB.NET, J#, setup, Oxygene, and C++ projects; valid extensions are .csproj, .csdproj, .vbproj, .vbdproj, .vcproj, .vcxproj, .icproj, .vdproj, .oxygene, .rc*, .cs, .vb, .jsl, .cpp, .pas).


When the step is built, the following temporary macros are created or updated:

VSNET_PROJ_VER: File version (Product version is returned for setup and deployment projects).
VSNET_PROD_VER: Product version.
VSNET_ASSEM_VER: Assembly version (for managed projects only).



This action has been tested with Visual Studio .NET 2002 through 2022 and Delphi Prism.
This action does not require Visual Studio .NET to be installed, but it does require the Microsoft .NET Framework (version 1.1 or later).
VS.NET defaults the Assembly version to 1.0.* and that value will be returned by this action rather than the actual version of the compiled assembly.  Use the Make VS.NET action's set and increment capabilities to increment and get the true assembly version.