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WiX Action Linker (more) Tab

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This tab of the WiX action specifies additional linker options.


Reuse cabinets from cache: Reuses cabinets from cache if available instead of regenerating.


Do not delete temporary files: If checked, temporary files that are generated will not be deleted.


Suppress default admin sequence actions: Self-explanatory.


Suppress default UI sequence actions: Self-explanatory.


Suppress intermediate file version mismatch checking: Self-explanatory.


Suppress dropping unreal tables to output image: Self-explanatory.


Suppress processing data in MsiAssembly table: Self-explanatory.


Suppress file info: Self-explanatory.


Treat identical rows as warnings: Self-explanatory.


Do not get assembly name info for assemblies: Self-explanatory.


Tag sectionId attributes in tuples: Self-explanatory.