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XSD Action Options Tab

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This tab of the XSD Action configures additional options.


Element in schema to generate code for: Specifies elements in the schema to generate code for (optional, one per line). By default all elements are typed.


Names of types to create schema for: Specifies the names of types to create a schema for (optional, one per line). If a type does not specify a namespace, the action matches all types in the assembly with the specified type. If a type specifies a namespace, only that type is matched. If a type ends with an asterisk character (*), the tool matches all types that start with the string preceding the *. If blank, the action generates schemas for all types in the assembly.


Override executable filename: Overrides the default executable (XSD.exe).  If not specified, the 32-bit edition of Visual Build calls the 32-bit version of XSD.exe, and the 64-bit edition of Visual Build calls the 64-bit version of XSD.exe if available.


Additional command-line options: Use this field to enter any additional command-line options to be added to the call that is constructed (optional).