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cnewtonne 10-26-2019 02:41 PM

Context menu 'Insert Sibling/Child' does not include Document template
There are 8 items under 'Templates', but 7 in the context menu. Was 'document' removed by design?
Also, why is 'Task' spelled 'Tas&k'.


This happens on a newly created urd file.

Ultra Recall Professional 6.0 (x64)
Copyright © 2004-2019 Kinook Software, Inc.
Registered to: **** (1-user license)
Windows version: Windows 10 Home
Install path: C:\Program Files\UltraRecall
HRW15.DLL version
HTW21.DLL version 21,0,0,0
msptls.dll version 15.0.4420.1017
msvcr100.dll version 10.00.40219.325
PolarSpellChecker.dll version
riched20.DLL version 15.0.4420.1017
SftPrintPreview_x64_U_20.dll version 2.07
TEW26.DLL version
UltraRecall.exe version
unins000.exe version
Database filename: C:\Users\****\Desktop\ur-test-64.urd
Database version: 4.0.1 [FTS]

cnewtonne 10-26-2019 02:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a screenshot.

kinook 10-26-2019 10:09 PM

Yes, it is intentionally excluded, since it would rarely be inserted directly, but only indirectly as a side effect of importing a web page, document, etc.

You can override the default behavior via a registry setting -- see CanInsertDocumentTemplate at

The reason that Task is spelled Tas&k is so that if you use the keyboard to show the context menu, you can press k to choose that template item with a single key and not have a conflicting mnemonic with the Text template. You can rename the template item if you don't want this behavior.

cnewtonne 10-27-2019 10:16 AM

Something new to learn.

It was a kind of confusing because the first context menu does show the letters underlined, while the child menu does not.

The '&' character causes the proceeding letter to become the activation letter even though it does not underline it.

Appreciate the explanation.

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