I agree it can be done this way and I've been resorting to this method so far. However, let me just say this ...
For any procedure in UR to be done, there is an optimal and efficient way, a workaround, and there may not be away (by design). I have spent the last 3 days going through the entire forum with all its threads one by one.
New comers usually may see things that existing users do not the fact that they come with new and fresh vision and expectation. My concern is that the UR team have felt comfortable with some features they should not have been. And more often than I liked, they suggest work-arounds and shortcuts that serve nothing but downgrade people's expectation of UR. This is vs implementing these features NATIVELY in UR. This is bad for the company and the product on the long run. There are some examples...
- FireFox--> use lanuchy
- copy/link OL items from within one --> user-made macro.
- highlight search hits in browser--> use handyfind
- for my case here, why not just drag a clip from the native browser onto an existing info item to have it simply append to it (just like net snippets).
My point here, we should strive to design and implement the best feature EVER POSSIBLE NATIVELY into the application. It is the these little things that eventually add up to make users go out looking for something else.
Execuse me for doing this passionate reply but I know UR has a top ranking position in this category. Unless we find and implement the best-of-bread features into the application, patching it using 3rd party utilities and better-than-nothing features or workaround will hurt UR badly.
Thanks .