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First, congratulations on the release of 3.5. You are one of the very few companies that meets their target dates. More importantly, this release has very significant improvements for me. Thank you. Now my question. Is there any way to have the items in the explorer pane numbered automatically (outline format)? Jon |
Re: Outlining
Re: Re: Outlining
Armstrong |
Re: Re: Re: Outlining
When I insert the [Tree Order] Attribute into the Child Items Pane for various Items sometimes it shows a value, and sometimes it doesn't. For the Root Folder it shows values, for the Template Folder it will not. For a Child Item that has children it may show no value, it may show (0) (zero), or it may show (-1) - in all three cases each Item has at least one child. Sometimes it works as expected. This does work as a Title Expression: [Tree Order] || coalesce(': ' || [Some_Attribute], '') This will convert [Tree Order] from a numeric value to text for the Title Expression, just don't ever sort these siblings in the Data Explorer - you'll end up with a miss-mash (best you can hope for here is an immediate Undo). Quote:
If the items are manually ordered (not sorted), you could use a Title Expression like
[Tree Order] || ' - ' || [Item Title] But the displayed title value is not dynamic -- you would need to rename existing items for the displayed title to show the order + title (and you would need to rename again after reordering items). http://www.kinook.com/UR/Manual/custom_item_titles.htm Another option would be to export to XML -> numbered HTML outline: http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthre...?threadid=2104 |
Thank you for the suggestions but nothing so far will satisfy my needs. I am reasonably sure that something like this would be of value to others. Could dynamic outline numbering be included in the roadmap? Not to get too ambitious, but it would be nice to have a choice of numbering styles. The outline numbers could be in a separate attribute which could be optionally displayed in the explorer panel.
Thanks. Jon |
I want to second the request for an outliner, preferably a one-page (window) outliner. I know this is a bit difficult to implement, but would be really useful to have.
I would like to know, if v.4.x shows any addedd feature that seconds a (dynamic) numbered outline on the left panel, as it was asked by previous users.
If not (as it seems in my attempts), is this feature sitting in the "wishlist" for future updates? Thanks for any feedback |
I have successfully used the data explorer as an outliner by maximizing the pane and enabling word wrap. In combination with attributes, it is reminiscent of Ecco and InfoQube, although not as useful. Jon |
Thanks for the reply. I am not sure I understood how you worked around it. Not I really understood the help manual in how to add a template that does a limited (static) outline numbering.
It would be helpful (but probably I ask too much) a step by step explanation. Thanks again in any case. |
Jon |
Thanks Jon,
I get it! Very nice, though it is not really outline numbering (what I was looking for, see below, in the attempt to replicate my TOC research papers), but rather outline bulleting. But congratulations for the achivement. Last edited by Anthony; 12-01-2011 at 04:09 PM. |
I realize that it is not what you need, but it works for me. I rely extensively on outliners and continue to use Ecco Pro and InfoQube. You might want to have a look and see if they suit you better for this purpose.
Jon |
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