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Ultra Recall options registry entries
Several of the Ultra Recall options that are not configurable from the Tools | Options dialog are documented here. The below ZIP file contains registry files to update the settings. Extract and double-click a .reg file in Explorer to change the related setting, then restart UR to use the updated setting. True/false settings have an EnableSetting.reg and DisableSetting.reg file, and the rest have a SetSetting.reg file. To go back to the default setting, delete the associated registry value via RegEdit.
Note: DWORD values in the .reg file must be specified as hexadecimal. To convert from decimal to hex, use the Windows Calculator, Programmer mode. Or edit the value in the Registry Editor, checking the Decimal option. Note: Not all documented settings have an entry in the ZIP file. In this case, create a .reg file for that setting by copying one of the others that has the same data type, or manually create the setting in the Windows Registry Editor under Code:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kinook Software\Ultra Recall\Options AutoResizeIcons -- If DPIAware is enabled, this option determines whether toolbar buttons will be sized to fit higher DPI display modes. Default = disabled. BrowserAgentString -- Specifies the browser user agent that is sent in HTTP requests when importing web pages. SetBrowserEdge17.reg sets the agent to Edge 17. Change the value in the .reg file with a text editor to set it to a different version. SetBrowseAgentDefault.reg restores the default user agent (IE11). See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr...=vs.85%29.aspx for some other values. CanInsertDocumentTemplate -- Determines whether the Document template is shown in the list of templates when inserting items (Tree | Insert Child or Tree | Insert Sibling). Default = disabled CharSearchMode -- Defines the method used to search for matching items in response to characters typed in the Data Explorer, Child Items, and Item Parents panes. Default = 8 0 (CHARSEARCH_ONECHAR) => Starting at the current item, the next item starting with the one single character typed is located and made current. 1 (CHARSEARCH_ALLCHARS) => The first item in the tree that matches the character(s) typed within 1 second is located and made current. As the user types additional characters, the search continues. If the user pauses for more than 1 second, the search ends. The next character typed starts a new search. 2 (CHARSEARCH_NONE) => Characters typed are ignored. 3 (CHARSEARCH_ALLCHARS2) => Same as CHARSEARCH_ALLCHARS, but dependent items of a collapsed parent item are not searched. 4 (CHARSEARCH_ONECHAR2) => Same as CHARSEARCH_ONECHAR, but dependent items of a collapsed parent item are not searched. 5 (CHARSEARCH_ONECHARWRAP) => Starting at the current item, the next item starting with the one single character typed is located and made current. If the end of the list of items is reached, the search wraps around and starts at the beginning of the list. 6 (CHARSEARCH_ONECHARWRAP2) => Same as CHARSEARCH_ONECHARWRAP, but dependent items of a collapsed parent item are not searched. 7 (CHARSEARCH_ALLCHARSWRAP) => The next item in the tree that matches the character(s) typed within a short time period is located and made current. As the user types additional characters, the search continues. If the user pauses for more than one second, the search ends. The next character typed starts a new search. 8 (CHARSEARCH_ALLCHARSWRAP2) => Same as CHARSEARCH_ALLCHARSWRAP, but dependent items of a collapsed parent item are not searched. CopyFormFieldSeparator -- Specifies the character or string to separate form field values when copying (Edit | Copy Form with focus on a form). Default = tab (\t) CopyGridFieldSeparator -- Specifies the character or string to separate grid values when copying (Edit | Copy Grid Values with focus in Child Items pane or Edit | Copy All Attributes with Item Attributes pane focused). Default = tab (\t) DeleteOnDropMove -- When dragging and dropping to other applications (for instance, Windows Explorer), if the dropping application indicates that it supports moving, the default drag behavior (or with Shift held down) deletes the dragged items in UR after dropping. Disable this option to prevent deleting on drop. DisableLeftMouseButtonDrag -- Disables dragging in the tree with the left mouse button. Right-drag will still be enabled. Default = enabled (0) DisableUndoRedo -- see http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=3627 DisableExportEmptyFile -- see http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=5034 DoNotHideItems -- Identifies system items that will not be hidden when not showing flagged (or unflagged) items. Default = "1000,990,996" (My Data, My Searches, and Quick Search). To find other item IDs, show ItemID attribute at Tools | Options | Attributes. DPIAware -- If enabled, disables scaling of application windows. If disabled, allows Windows to scale the window contents. Restart Windows or logoff after changing the display settings in order for this to take effect. Default = enabled. ExtKeyword -- Determines which file extensions are parsed for text content (for search indexing) when importing via drag/drop, copy/paste, or browser extensions. Default = .txt;.rtf;.doc;.docx;.xls;.xlsx;.xlt;.ppt;.pttx;.h tm;.html;.eml;.nws;.msg;.mht;.xml;.pdf;.tif;.tiff; .zip FormFieldAutoComplete -- Determines whether an auto-completion listed is displayed (in addition to the field's drop-down list) when typing in a form field with list values. Default = enabled FormLabelWidth -- Sets the width of label controls on forms. Edit the .reg file in a text editor and specify the width. Default = 60 (decimal) HideCompletedImmediately -- Determines whether flagged items that are hidden will be hidden as soon as a flag changes to make the current item hidden (otherwise, will not be hidden until the tree is refreshed). Default = enabled IEBrowserEmulation -- Sets the version of Internet Explorer that UR's internal browser should emulate when displaying web pages. IE11BrowserEmulation.reg sets the version to Internet Explorer 11. Change the value in the .reg file with a text editor to set the browser agent to a different value (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr...wser_emulation for more details). IEBrowserEmulationDefault.reg restores the default value (IE11). IncludeItemTitleOnJoin -- Determines whether item titles are included in the joined text when joining via Item | Join. Default = enabled IncludeAttributeForMultipleSelection -- If Tools | Options | Editor | Show combined text for multiple selection is checked, setting this option will also include each item's attributes in the combined text. Default = enabled KeepAccessDateOnCopy -- Determines whether the Date Accessed attribute from the original item is set on the new item when copying. Default = enabled KeepCreateDateOnCopy -- Determines whether the Date Created attribute from the original item is set on the new item when copying. Default = enabled LineageSeparator -- Specifies the separator text for the Lineage attribute and ITEM_PATH_TITLES variable in custom item command-line. Default = "/" LockedTitlePrefix -- Specifies the prefix added to the item title caption on the detail pane when a tab's title is locked (Tab | Lock Title). Edit the .reg file in a text editor to change the prefix. Default = "* " MaxCharsForItemTitle -- The maximum length to use for the item title when importing documents, splitting items, or titling an internal link anchor. Default = 75 MaxDocumentsReopen -- The maximum number of databases to reopen from the previous session (that were open while exiting via File | Exit) when restarting UR. Change the value in the .reg file to the desired amount with a text editor. Use a value of 0 to always start UR without opening any databases. Default = 9 MaxExportFilenameLength -- The length to truncate file and folder names to when exporting items. Windows is limited to total folder+filename length of 260 characters (even with long paths enabled, most applications don't support them), and especially when exporting a tree structure, it can quickly exceed the max path length, so this setting reduces that possibility. Default is 50 (decimal). MaxForwardBackHistory -- Number of forward/back history items to store. Default is 500 (decimal) MaxUndoHistory -- Maximum number of undo changes to track. Default is 25000 (decimal) MaxFormDropDownValues -- The maximum number of items to load into a drop-down list of attribute values on a form or the Item Attributes pane. Default is 5000 (decimal). MaxQuickSearch -- The number of items in the Quick Search drop-down list. Default is 50 (decimal). MaxTreeHeight -- The maximum height in pixels of a tree or list row. Default is 0 (decimal). Minimum supported value is 17. A value between 17 and 19 (decimal) will reduce the tree row height, larger than 20 (decimal) will increase the tree row height. MaxTypedURLs -- The number of items in the address bar drop-down list. Default is 50 (decimal). MaxWrappedCellLines -- The maximum # of lines to wrap and show long text in trees and lists. Default is 9. MinFormTextHeight -- The minimum text height on forms. Default is 25 (decimal). OpenDocumentOnDoubleClick -- Whether double-clicking on a document item opens the document externally (equivalent to Item | Open Document). Default = enabled PDFKeywordOnlySummaryInfo -- Whether only to parse PDFs summary info for searchable text. Default = disabled PrefixLaunchExternal -- File and URL extensions and protocols to open externally. Default is Code:
nntp:;news:;mailto:;rlogin:;snews:;telnet:;aim:;callto:;gopher:;outlook:; RestoreFocusDelay -- After loading a web page or web page document, the delay (in milliseconds) after which to restore focus if Tools | Options | Browser | Prevent browser window from stealing focus is not set to Never. Default = 250 (decimal) RichEditSmoothScroll -- Determines whether smooth scrolling in the text editor will be implemented by Ultra Recall (disabled) or the MS rich edit control (enabled). Default = disabled SearchComboWidth -- Width of the Search combo in the toolbar. Default = 150 (decimal) SearchNonAsciiTextNonCaseSensitive -- Whether to store and search indexed text in lowercase so that text searches for non-ASCII (Unicode) text will be non-case-sensitive. Default = enabled. Note: New to v6.2 -- set to 0 to restore default behavior for prior versions. SelChangeDelay -- The amount of time to wait after selecting an item to load all related pane information (milliseconds). Default = 295 (decimal) SelectChildLinkOnParentGoto -- Whether to select the previously selected child item in the Child Items pane after going to a parent item in the tree via the Item Parents pane. Default = enabled ShowFullPathInTab -- When displaying a linked file in the detail pane, whether to show the full path to the item in the tab title. Default = disabled SingleUserMode -- see http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=3728 SortDateNumericInTree -- see http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=4652 DateTruncateDelimiters -- If SortDateNumeric in tree is enabled (see above), this option can be used to specify characters to look for and truncate a string value before parsing the date value for sorting. For example, "–" to truncate the title from strings like "1/13/2015 10:15 PM – Phone call to Dave". Use DisableDateTruncateDelimiters.reg to disable, or modify EnableDateTruncateDelimiters.reg with the desired delimiter character(s), then double-click the .reg file and restart UR. See http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=5323. StartupMinimizeTime -- The amount of item to wait before minimizing if Tools | Options | General | Minimize application window at startup is checked. The default is 2000 (decimal); if it takes longer to start and load, the minimize option will be ignored. Increase this value in a text editor for a longer delay before minimizing. SyncDirection -- Determines the behavior of file and folder synchronization. The default is 7 (two-way). 1 = one-way (file system => UR), 4 = one-way (UR => file system) SynchronousLevel -- see http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=3627 TextEditorTabStop -- The width of tab stop sizes when editing text files in the text editor. Does not apply to rich text items and files (set at Format | Tabs). Default = 500 (decimal) UpdateAccessDateOnSave -- Whether to update the item's Access Date when saving an item. Default = enabled UseImportedFileTimeStamp -- When importing files, determines whether to use the imported file's timestamps or the current time for Date Created, Date Access, and Date Modified attributes. Default = enabled UseSearchCache -- Whether to cache search results for faster reloading of search items. When a search is first executed, the results are cached until the search item is modified, and loading from the cache will avoid the overhead of the performing the original search query. The cache is not cleared when other items are modified (which could affect the results of the search), so the results could become stale. Default = disabled UseSharedImages -- Whether to use shared images within Ultra Recall menus, toolbars, and panes. Enabling uses fewer resources, disabling may reduce UR startup time. Default = enabled XMLExportRTFAsHTML -- see http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?t=5109 |
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