Creating Virtual Directories with VBPro
Hi all,
I am using the VBPro expression: vbld_CreateVirtualDir(strPath, strName) to create virtual directories on a build server. The problem that I am running into is that this command ALWAYS creates this Virtual Directory under the default website. I would like to be able to create virtual directories in websites other than the default website. Does anyone know if this is possible with the VBPro tool? I have already created the alternate websites through IIS and now just need to be able to specify which website I would like the virtual directory to be created in. Thanks in advance for the help, Thomas Stachiw |
The vbld_CreateVirtualDir system script function is hard-coded to use the default web site (the "1" in the string "IIS://LocalHost/w3svc/1/Root"). You could copy and paste this function, rename it, and specify the name of the desired web site instead of 1 (optionally passing it in as a parameter as well).