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Advanced Options Tab

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This tab of the application options dialog configures the following options:


Enable logging of severe errors to Windows Event Log: Determine whether severe errors (for instance, errors that occur writing to the build log or in silent mode) are written to the Windows Event Log.


Always show GUI applications launched from build: When Windows GUI applications are called from a build (via the Run Program or derived actions, the RunProgramEx method, etc.) and this option is checked, they will be displayed (not hidden) even if the step is configured to hide the application window.  If unchecked, the hidden state will honor what was specified by the step or action.


Maximum step output macro length: Specifies the maximum length of step output to store in the LASTSTEP_OUTPUT and FAILSTEP_OUTPUT system macros.  Any step's output exceeding this length will not be appended to the output macros.  A value of 0 will add all step output, regardless of total length.


Write byte order mark (BOM) when saving files: Whether to include byte order mark on XML files that are created or updated.


Use UTF-8 code page for console app: By default, the console application and RunProgram / RunProgramEx and derived actions use the current code page for processing of program input and output.  If this option is set to True, UTF-8 conversions will be performed instead.  Enabling this option can improve capture and logging of Unicode text from programs that are called from a build, but it requires Windows Vista or later (console program output may not be captured properly for older versions of Windows).  When running the console application from a Command Prompt, a Unicode font must also be used for proper display of Unicode text.


Encrypt password property values: Determines whether password property values will be stored encrypted in the project file and global macros file when saving.


Obscure password property values: Determines whether the value of encrypted step and macro properties will be hidden in the step and macro panes and build output and log file.


Type libraries to load for script: Specifies ProgIDs or GUIDs of type libraries to load for scripting (one per line; append ;major;minor to specify a library version).  This allows using constants from type libraries such as Scripting.FileSystemObject (i.e., ForReading, ForWriting, etc.) within script code without defining them manually.