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Checkout Tab

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This tab of the ClearCase action configures command options related to a Checkout operation.


Reserved: If checked the branch is reserved with the checkout.  Adds the -reserved flag to the generated command-line.


Unreserved: If checked the branch is checked out unreserved.  Adds the -unreserved flag to the generated command-line.


No master: Available when Unreserved is checked, when checked the branch is checked out even if the current replica does not master the branch.  Adds the -nmaster flag to the generated command-line.


No data: Creates a checkout record for the version, but does not create an editable file that contains its data (not applicable to directories).   Adds the -ndata to the generated command-line.


Version: Allows the checkout of a version that is not the latest on its branch.  Adds the -version flag to the command-line generated.


Branch: Specifies the branch whose most recent version is to be checked out.