Navigation: Actions > Version Control > ClearCase > ClearCase Options Tab |
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This tab of the ClearCase action configures additional command options.
Replace: Replace the existing object with the new object being created. Adds the -replace flag to the generated command-line.
Identical: Include identical (unchanged) elements. Adds the -identical flag to the generated command-line.
Keep: Saves the current contents of elements operated on as view-private files. Adds the -keep flag to the generated command-line.
Configuration record only: Check in the configuration record only. Adds the -cr flag to the generated command-line.
No warn: Suppresses warning messages. Adds the -nwarn flag to the generated command-line.
Remove after: Remove each pname after creating a new version. Adds the -rm flag to the generated command-line.
Local: Displays information for the local copy of the specified object-selector.
Obsolete: Include obsolete elements. Adds the -obsolete flag to the generated command-line.
Force: Suppresses any confirmation steps. Adds the -force flag to the generated command-line.
Additional command-line options: Use this field to enter any additional ClearCase command-line options to be added to the call that is constructed. Use this to supply flags that are not explicitly supported via the action fields (see the ClearCase documentation for details on the available command-line flags).
Specify the ClearCase executable filename: If not specified, the action locates expects the ClearCase console application (cleartool.exe) to be located in the PATH environment variable. If the action is unable to locate the command-line tool or multiple versions are installed, browse to or enter the full drive+path+filename here.
Note: the clearfsimport command uses the clearfsimport.exe console application which, if necessary, should instead be supplied in this field when using the clearfsimport command.
Convert local paths to UNC: If checked, relevant local paths will be converted to the equivalent UNC path. This option allows entry of absolute paths using drive letters, the action will convert them automatically to UNC to satisfy the Clear Case requirement for UNC paths (i.e., C:\Program Files\ becomes \\<computer name>\C$\Program Files). Only absolute paths using a drive letter are ever converted, and no paths will be converted when this option is unchecked.
Note: This option should be unchecked if you intend to submit absolute paths using drive letters to a Clear Case LT server, for which they are allowed.