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Fast-Help Action

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This action creates a step to compile a Fast-Help project file.  From the inputs, the Fast-Help command-line is constructed and called when the action is built, and any log output is captured to the log view and file.


This action has been tested with versions 4 through 9 of Fast-Help and may also work with other versions.


Project filename: Specifies the Fast-Help project file to compile (required).


Output formats: Indicates one or more output formats to generate (optional).


Additional command-line options: This option can be used to specify additional flags to pass to the Fast-Help compiler.  See Command line in the Fast-Help help index for the available options.


Override compiler executable filename: If this field is empty, the action attempts to automatically locate the Fast-Help command-line executable.  This can be overridden by specifying the executable filename here.


Note: If Visual Build doesn't detect that this product is installed when first run, this action will not be displayed (existing steps will still be displayed in the Step panes and will build normally).  To show all hidden actions, right-click in the Actions pane and choose Show Hidden.