Navigation: Using Visual Build > Dialogs > Step Properties > Step Properties Dialog Dialog Buttons |
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OK: Accepts all changes and closes the step properties dialog.
Cancel: Discards any changes since Apply was clicked and dismisses the dialog.
Apply: Commits any changes to the underlying step object.
Test: Accepts any changes, closes the dialog, and rebuilds the current step.
Note: The Test button selects the current step and performs a Rebuild Selected, which ignores conditional build rules; see the Methods of Building help topic for other ways to test step build rules.
Insert Macro: Displays the Insert Macro dialog to add macros to a field. A list of all defined macros is displayed and double-clicking the macro inserts it into the field at the current cursor position. Macro names can also be entered manually. A macro is indicated by placing a percent sign (%) on each side of the macro name (i.e., %DOSCMD%). If the macro takes parameters, enter them in parentheses after the macro, separating the values with commas (i.e., %ATTRIB(-r, *.bat)%).
• | A literal percent sign character (%) can be entered into a field by entering two percent signs (%%); within parentheses, a literal parenthesis or comma character can be entered by typing two parenthesis or comma characters. When the mouse cursor is held over one of these fields, all macro values are expanded and shown in a tool tip. This is the actual string that will be used when building the step. |
• | To copy the current field's expanded value (with all macros expanded) to the clipboard, type Ctrl+M. Ctrl+C copies the value without expansion. Ctrl+Shift+M copies with macros and expanded and with script evaluated. |
Browse: This button displays a dialog to browse for a file or folder to insert into the current field. If the file or folder is in the same folder or a sub-folder of the project file, the project file path will automatically be replaced by the %PROJDIR% system macro. Using this macro allows projects to be defined generically so that they will build correctly regardless of the path that the project file is placed in.
Script Editor: Displays the Script Editor window for modifying step event script code and other scripts, evaluating script expressions, and inserting script expressions into a field. If any script events are defined for this step, a plus sign (+) will be added to the Script Editor button caption.
Script code within a field is indicated by placing brackets around it (i.e., [5+5]); the script language used is the default script language set in the application options dialog. When using the Insert button on the Script Editor dialog, the brackets are added automatically. Normally, script code is not evaluated for display in the field's tool tip (this can be useful to see the script code after any macros have been expanded). Holding down the Shift key before moving the mouse cursor over the field will cause the script code to be evaluated and displayed in the tool tip.
Note: To enter a literal bracket character, type two bracket characters [[ or ]].
Previous/Next Step: Used to navigate between steps in a project without closing the Step Properties dialog. If changes have been made to the current step, the user will be asked if the changes should be kept or discarded.
Shell: Displays a popup menu for performing an operation on a selected filename or folder in the current field. This provides a handy way to open a file in its associated application (Launch), view a file in the user-configured viewer (View), or to open a folder in Windows Explorer (Explore). Any macros or script are expanded to determine the filename to be used. If there is no selection in the field, the entire field value will be used.